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Application for Employment

Personal Information
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Position Desired
Salary Desired
Friends or Family Employed by Diamond Security
Why did you apply for a position at Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC?
Why do you think you would make a valuable employee of Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC?
Are you a U.S. Citizen or alien legally entitled to work in the position(s) for which you have applied?
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Have you been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor other than a minor traffic violation?
If yes, please explain.
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Emergency Contact 
Phone Number
Personal References
Personal References
List the name, address, and phone number of references who are not related to you and are not previous employers.
Record of Education
High School
List the name, address, course of study, graduation date, and diploma or degree.
Trade or Vocational School
List the name, address, course of study, graduation date, and diploma or degree.
List the name, address, course of study, graduation date, and diploma or degree.
List the name, address, course of study, graduation date, and diploma or degree.
Skills & Qualifications
Summarize special job related skills and qualifications acquired from education, employment, volunteer work, or military service. 
List specific skills or office machines, tools, machinery, or other equipment that you are trained on and can operate that will be helpful in performing the responsibilities of the position for which you are applying.
Military Service Record
Were you in the armed forces?
If yes, what branch?
Dates of Duty
Rank at Discharge
Type of Discharge
Employment History
List below all present and past employment, beginning with your most recent.
Previous Employment
Please list name of company, address, telephone number, supervisor, job title and duties, dates employed, starting, and ending pay.
Previous Employment
Please list name of company, address, telephone number, supervisor, job title and duties, dates employed, starting, and ending pay.
Previous Employment
Please list name of company, address, telephone number, supervisor, job title and duties, dates employed, starting, and ending pay.
Previous Employment
Please list name of company, address, telephone number, supervisor, job title and duties, dates employed, starting, and ending pay.
Which of the positions above did you like best and why?
You may choose to submit a resume with your application.
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Applicant's Statement
Please indicate that you have read and that you understand each paragraph of the Applicant's Statement by placing your initials beside each paragraph.
I certify that this application was completed by me and that all entries on it and all information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. In the event of employment, I understand that false, misleading, or omitted information in my application may result in discharge.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. In making this application for employment, I understand that an investigation may be made and information may be obtained through interviews with my personal references and past employers listed. This inquiry may include information as to my character, general reputation, and personal characteristics, as well as information about my work performance and workplace conduct. I consent to this investigation and to the consideration of any statements of references or former employers that are given in response to the inquiry.
I hereby release all parties, including, but not limited to Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLCl., personal references, and previous employers, from any and all liability for any injury or damage that may result from their furnishing information to Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC., concerning me or any action Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC. takes on the basis of such information.
I understand that I may be required to pass a pre-employment drug screening test.
I understand that if I am offered a job as a condition of being my employment, I may be required to undergo a physical examination and I hereby authorize any doctor, hospital, clinic, laboratory or other medical facility to furnish any medical information with reference to me as may be necessary in conjunction with that examination and related considerations.
I understand that, according to federal law, all individuals who are hired must, as a condition of employment, produce certain documentation to verify their identity and United States citizen status or, if aliens, their legal authorization to work in the United States. As a consequence, I understand that any offer of employment by Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC., is contingent upon my ability to produce the required documentation within the time period required by law.
I understand that this application is not, and is not intended to be, a contract of employment and that any resulting employment relationship is for no fixed period of time and is at-will and is therefore terminable at any time and for any reason by Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC., or by me. I further understand that statements which may be contained in policies, practices, handbooks, or other Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC., material do not create any guarantee of employment and that Diamond Security & Investigative Services LLC. has the right to modify, amend, or terminate policies, practices, benefit plans, or other programs within the limits and requirements imposed by law. I understand that no representative of Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC., other than an officer, has the authority to enter into any agreement for any specific period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing and that any such agreement must be in writing to be binding on Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC.
Electronic Signature
Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC. is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, citizenship status, or any other basis prohibited by law, unless such basis constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. Diamond Security & Investigative Services, LLC. will comply with its legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities.

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